Selbyggen - Labrador CMS

Selbyggen (The Selbu Resident) is a local Norwegian newspaper covering the municipalities of Selbu and Tydal in Sør-Trøndelag county. The newspaper has been published since June 9, 1889, when it was started by the brothers John and Ola Aas. They started using CmsPublisher to streamline their Digital First publishing to print process, from Labrador to InDesign. " In comparison to what we did before, this system has improved our workflow immensely."

Fjell-Ljom - Labrador CMS

Fjell-Ljom is the local newspaper for Røros and Holtålen. The print edition is published every Thursday while the online news is updated daily. ” – We started using CmsPublisher together with Labrador CMS in October 2023. We turned our workflow to digital first and succeeded to cut our production time with 50%, web and print included! This solution is worth gold for us!”

Sermitsiaq - Labrador CMS

Sermitsiaq is one of two national newspapers in Greenland. It is named after the mountain Sermitsiaq. The newspaper was published for the first time May 21, 1958. The newspaper is published every Friday, while the online version is updated several times daily.

Dagens Medisin - Labrador CMS

Dagens Medisin is a newspaper and trade journal for healthcare personnel and other employees within the healthcare sector and it's available in both paper and internet editions. They use Labrador CMS for online publishing and content creation and CmsPublisher for getting the content easily into InDesign page layout. Dagens Medisin is owned and published by Bonnier.

Perniönseudun Lehti - WordPress

Perniönseudun Lehti is the local newspaper of southern Salo. The newspaper is published on Thursdays and is the most ordered magazine in the southern part of the city, in the area of ​​the former municipalities of Särkisalo, Perniö and Kisko to mention some of them. They use CmsPublisher with WordPress.

Sydän-Hämeen Lehti - WordPress

Sydän-Hämeen Lehti is the local newspaper for Pälkäne and Kangasala. In addition to CmsPublisher they also use the Scoop modules PageTrack and Adwizard for page and ad production / management.